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MindKi, Our unknown power.

Do you really want to know yourself ?

Overcoming our society’s dilemmas

Stress, anxiety, relationships, happyness, uncertainties, insecurity, suffering, emotions, with MindKi everything is seen in the light of a simple and open method, rooted in science:

From Galileo, Faraday, Maxwell, Einstein, Max Planch, among others and the teachings of many ancient civilizations, still are been studied by science and the most prestigious universities. We still don’t know everything that science tells us about who we are and who we are not, through quantum physics, neuroscience, biology and genetics. 


Mindki is a method that has been conceived and aims to reveal and dismantle the reality of current human experiences, stress, anxiety, reactivity to emotions, fear of living free of judgment.

Scientifically based

MindKi arises from Pedro Loupa many professional and personal experiences over the last 15 years. Baseline guidance has its origins in many scientific studies verified through various methods.


MindKi as a method is divided into two phases: disassemble to reassemble. These two steps will take you deeper as you become aware of the situations and put the suggested proposals into practice.


Everything that is simple is easier to comprehend and apply. Though profound, MindKi offers exercises, dynamics and simple activities that won’t create a new task for you, something else to do.

The 5 Pillars of MindKi

The MindKi method is based on the study of human consciousness and the functioning of the mind. Its development is mainly based on aspects related to neuroscience knowledge, research related to matter, energy, laws of physics and quantum physics, and various methodologies such as Mindfulness, heart rate variability, meditation, emotional intelligence, energy management and balance, among many others. Those that affect the way we live, work and decisions making.

Learn to be mindful: focus on the “here and now”. Feel every moment.

Strengthen the relationship with the energy of the body and the reality of who we are.

Become aware to transform our perception of suffering and pain.

Finding alternatives to rediscover happiness: listening to the silence, knowing how to stop, truly knowing yourself.

Discover the great power of our conscious mind using advances in neuroscience and science.

It’s for you?

Only those who are committed to wanting to get out of their doubts, to wanting to stop living in the same situations all the time, who want to be responsible for themselves and honestly want to know themselves and recognize the truth, to put an end to excuses and face fears and challenges.

If so, then yes it is for you.

To those who have to decide

To all who have to make decisions in their lives


Recognize and learn to open ourselves to pain to release suffering


How to manage it and recognize it

Unfulfilled relationships

Living the foundations of a relationship in total harmony


Stop being a victim and hostage to your emotions


Become a more self-aware leader

What do we use?

The MindKi method

With MindKi you get to know yourself better: how your mind works; how your thoughts and beliefs dominate the way you live; and even the way you manage your energy, often making getting exhausted on the evening.

  • Mindfulness
  • Meditation
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Energy balance

What could happen?

The encounter with your truth

In this experience, we are going to rediscover what has never abandoned us, a truth that has always been present and we have been rejecting it out of fear, ignorance, our beliefs, habits and constraints. Although we always recognized it, we never wanted to make the leap.

Let’s find a way to understand stress, anxiety and our way of managing energy and our reactions.

Inner peace

You will find yourself again with the space where your inner peace lives. This will allow you to live your life from another perspective.

Here and now

Also called a quantum leap: when we are aware that there is only this moment, and this is what we are experiencing right now.


When you allow yourself to live in this moment, everything is accepted as it is. Even if you don’t like it, even if it’s not what you’re looking for right now.


The responsibility of being who you are is something you will learn and live with MindKi. You will be able to let go of the victim you carry inside, and you will let go of your “false” identity.


When you put all your attention on what you do, then focus arises, and the way you start to see life changes completely.

Energy balance

When we balance our energy system, we act directly on our physiology, and “help” our immune system.

You have two options

How can I start trying MindKi?

Conferences, Workshops and Retreats

Conferences are the place where you can learn more about the method and especially how through it you can understand how to change your attitudes and your perspective on life. Therefore, I invite you to participate in one of the conferences, whether in person in your region or online. In workshops and retreats with Pedro Loupa and MindKi, we put into practice everything you experienced at the conferences. This is where you can work on your fears, learn to manage your emotions, understand the stress process, recognize your pain, have more focus, etc.


For me, mentoring is an encounter, a space in total presence, where we meet to see in a totally honest way your priorities, urgencies, pains or sufferings that are now present in your life. Whether in person or by videoconference (without leaving home and from anywhere), I can accompany you in this process with the MindKi methodology to support you in the recognition and transformation process. Book your free trial session.

Upcoming events with Pedro Loupa and MindKi:

136 Botsford Valleys Apt. 264


13 de Octubre del 2018


136 Botsford Valleys Apt. 264


13 de Octubre del 2018


Do you want to have more information?


I invite you to contact me for any question that you have not seen here and would like to consult. Your inquiries are confidential and without obligation. I will guide you from Love.

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